Tag: spring

A Word on Wednesday: Recovery

I decided to wrap up my Mental Health series with the word recovery. The word recovery dates to the mid Fourteenth Century, from the Anglo-French recoverie; it speaks to a “return to health.” Contemporary usage considers recovery as the act of recovering. This first definition… Continue Reading “A Word on Wednesday: Recovery”

A Word on Wednesday: Bliss

American mythologist Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) has this to say about bliss:  “When you follow your bliss  … doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else.”  The cynic will dismiss bliss, mocking… Continue Reading “A Word on Wednesday: Bliss”

Verse on Groundhog Day

Lake Michigan Feb. 2, 2017 Six More Weeks Hope peeks for cloudy skies; Fearful of sun’s reach To cast one’s own darkness. Ugly. Timid. Rodent. Watchful for the brightness, Frightened by his shadow, Turns inward for a stay.

A novel walk

I snapped the following pictures on the Ice Age Trail in Manitowoc, Wis. around 9 a.m. this morning. The scenery is inspiration for a fictional setting in my novel in progress. Enjoy the view, my friends. And, forgive my amateur photography skills.    … Continue Reading “A novel walk”


On this day in my history, I was hospitalized for a psychotic break. I didn’t know it at the time; I thought I was going to a birthday party rather than the ICU of a psychiatric care center. Today’s five-year, post-breakdown anniversary is a… Continue Reading “Alleluia”